Thursday, September 19, 2013

camera history and camera parts obscura was a small, portable device. it was just composed of a glass lens, a dark box, and film.

3. perfected the understanding of optics and the process of making high quality glass lenses

4. light passes through the lens, into the camera, and exposes the film 

5.they use the built in computer in the camera 

6.Program mode allows you to make all of the adjustments to the camera for image capture such as f-stop, light balance, focus, etc. Automatic does all of that plus some for you.

7. to attempt to blur out the background 

8. sports mode is used to freeze motion 

9. to focus the camera 

10. if you don't want the camera with flash 

11. so the camera can adjust if it needs flash or not 

12. it would be so bright and u couldn't distinguish the photo you just took 

13. it will be to dark 

14The term "stop" is used in every aspect of photography to represent a relative change in the brightness of light.

15. 1

16. 2 

17. longer shutter speed = more light 

18. shorter shutter speed = less light

19. the aperture is like a pupil 

20. you can adjust it by opening the lens more 


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